Our junior school has some exciting opportunities to present to our young students this year. We are fortunate that our staff in the junior school is made up of enthusiastic, dedicated teachers. These teachers will be doing their very best to guide young minds and assist them to reach their full potential as readers and writers.This will be achieved by developing their oral language, their ability to hear the sounds within words and assisting with differentiating these sounds. This of course will be of great assistance when our students become spellers. Oral language will increase the vocabulary of the children and begin the chain of events that will lead to greater comprehension of the written word. The children will also travel from one to one correspondence with their mathematical ability to being able to work with numbers in the thousands.At each year level they build on their existing knowledge and expand their understanding of the world of numbers. Staff look forward to assisting with all aspects of mathematics; money, time, fractions, shapes, number study to list a few.
As well as helping the children to achieve academically, the staff will ensure that the children are presented with ample opportunities to grow in other areas of their development. Capably assisted by teachers and teacher aides the children will grow in their appreciation of music, sport and the fascinating world of books.The children will have the opportunity to create many fabulous works of art, take part in excursions, enjoy Under 8’s day, bookweek parade, athletics and swimming just to name a few.
We look forward to a rewarding year working with your children.